The shift towards reusable packaging: policies and best practice

7th European REUSE Conference, 24 September 2019, Brussels

Exciting innovations, recent policies, and smart initiatives were all on the table when companies, NGOs, politicians, and representatives of public institutions came together for the 7th REUSE Conference on the 24th September 2019 in Brussels. The event is organized every two years by Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe – DUH), the European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (CEGROBB), Private Breweries Germany, and the Reloop Platform.

Before the background of the recently adopted Single Use Plastics Directive, the participants discussed possible incentives for the growth and dissemination of reuse systems at the EU, as well as on the national and local levels. Reloop’s managing director Clarissa Morawski led the participants through the event. Several presentations offered insight into innovative reuse systems in the beverage, food, and transport sectors.

The 7th REUSE Conference saw the introduction of the new Reusable Award, presented to extraordinary examples of waste prevention, that go beyond the scope of the classic Refillable Award. The football club Bayern München was the first to receive the new trophy for the use of reusable cups at its home matches at the Allianz Arena. The Refillable Award went to the Ecovillage Brodowin, whose Director von Maltzahn was honoured for his sustainable approach in providing regional milk in reusable bottles.

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