Reusable Packaging in Europe
The Successful Approach towards Circular Economy
5th European Conference about Reusable Packaging, 25 March 2015, Brussels

About the conference
Besides The European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (CEGROBB) and the Association of Small and Independent Breweries in Europe (S.I.B.), Deutsche Umwelthilfe is one of the organizers of the 5th ReUse-Conference – an outstanding international conference combining the different perspectives of NGOs, industries, labour unions and trading enterprises focusing on refillable packaging, especially for beverages. The conference took place on 25 March 2015 at Radisson Blu EU Hotel in Brussels.
How to push refillables
The conference took a look at good practice and recent developments in the field of reusable beverage packaging. It illustrated how ecological and economic as well as social aspects benefit from the use of refillable packaging. It is important to bear that in mind when developing the direly needed political actions to ensure resource efficiency and a sustainable use of packaging materials. We were very honoured that Mr Karl Falkenberg, Director DG Environment, held the keynote speech.
Convincing arguments for reusable packaging
Considering the European waste hierarchy, reusable packaging meets all the requirements for being the most sustainable packaging by standing for waste prevention. After their return, refillable bottles are cleaned, refilled and reused up to 50 times. Therefore, there is no need to produce a new single-use bottle or can for every beverage bottled. Using refillable bottles is an active contribution to climate and resource protection. They are of high importance for a vital circular economy and serve as a model for ambitious waste prevention strategies and recycling quotes all over Europe. Due to all these reasons, refillable packaging must have a high influence in setting a path for the revised Circular Economy Package.

Thomas Fischer
Bereichsleiter Kreislaufwirtschaft
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