Registration for the 9th European REUSE Conference

Driving the packaging revolution: Best practices & mandatory REUSE in the PPWR

8th June 2023. 9h30-16h00

Participation at the Conference is free of charge. Please register via the form field below. Please feel free to forward this event to interested stakeholders. For more information on the 9th REUSE Conference, please click here.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at REUSE Conference 2023 in person in Brussels or via livestream!

Personal Information
People not linked to an organisation can indicate "independent". Please note that due to limited capacity, usually only one person per organization can register.
Declaration of consent for livestreaming the event

This event will be livestreamed via Zoom and it will be recorded and published on YouTube and the DUH-Website. If you, as a participant on site, ask a question or speak during the event, you consent to your contribution being recorded and published with images and sound. The same applies if you, as an online participant, are connected via Zoom for a spoken contribution. Questions and comments entered via the chat function will not be recorded. However, it is possible that your contribution will be read out by the moderator and your name and contribution will be recorded.
You can revoke this consent at any time, with future effect.
Please also note the further information on photo and video recording under Privacy Policy.
* The boxes marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
For further questions regarding the conference, please contact us at


For the livestream, we use the Zoom video conferencing service in the Pro version 5.0 with server locations exclusively in the EU or countries with an appropriate level of data protection. This version has end-to-end encryption. More information on the use of Zoom can be found here. Data processing in the context of the use of Zoom is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR.

Online participants can submit their questions via the chat function during the panel discussion. The host will read out the questions, mentioning your name if necessary. The event will be recorded as a whole.

You will receive the link to the event and further information on participation by mail after successful registration. The participation is free of charge.

After the event, we will send you a summary of the topics adressed at the REUSE Conference and further information. This is done on the basis of Art 6 1) f) GDPR in your and our legitimate interest to record, supplement and deepen the content of the conference.

Information on photo and video recordings

We would like to point out that during this event, photographs and video recordings will be made in which you, as a person participating in the event, may be visible. We process individual video clips and photographs for the purpose of reporting on the activities of DUH and publish them in social media, internet/website, press releases, newsletters, and print brochures. The legal basis for this is Art. (1) f) DSGVO. DUH has a legitimate interest in informing the public about the association's activities to implement its statutory objectives in the field of environmental protection. If you have special reasons against the production of photographs and video recordings in which you may be recognisable, please contact the event management or the photographic/camera team on site.

Further information on the processing of personal data by Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be found here.

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