„Joint Action on Plastic Bags“

European Dialogue-Conference about Plastic Bag Reduction - 17 February 2015, Brussels

© DUH, fotolia.de (Vorlage Tüte: rdnzl; Hintergrund: artjazz)

Common European goal: avoid plastic bag consumption

Hardly any product has been as controversially discussed as the plastic bag. For many it is a symbol of our modern throwaway society. According to figures from the European Commission, more than 100 billion plastic bags are used in Europe annually. All EU Member States have a common concern. They have recognised that the unrestrained use of plastic bags constitutes a significant environmental problem. Therefore they decided to establish a Europe-wide reduction target. The plan is to reduce the average plastic bag consumption per capita per year to a maximum of only 90 bags by 2019, and 40 bags by 2025.

Promote networking and exchange between EU countries

The German Environmental Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) has been committed for many years to reducing plastic bag consumption both in Germany and in Europe. The long-term fulfilment of the European targets for reducing plastic bags is a great challenge and requires – regardless of the implementation of policy – the willingness of all social groups to cooperate. However, in many places there is still great uncertainty about how the excessive consumption of plastic bags can be avoided. This requires a Europe-wide exchange and even better mutual understanding. For this reason, the German Environmental Aid has organised a trendsetting dialogue conference in Brussels.

© Palinchak Mikhail

European Dialogue Conference in Brussels

The European Dialogue Conference is to take place in the Representation Office of the German Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate in Brussels on 17 February 2015. One intention is to show how NGOs and retailers can actively integrate consumers into a strategy to avoid the consumption of plastic bags. Another aim is to present strategies and approaches to avoid the consumption of plastic bags, to initiate a trans-national stakeholder dialogue in Europe and to bring together players from trade enterprises and civil society. The conference is open to all interested stakeholders from business, civil society, politics and academia.


Copyright: © Heidi Scherm

Thomas Fischer
Bereichsleiter Kreislaufwirtschaft
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